Learn how to generate passive income or solve a work problem using AI
We take the hassle out of building a product by hosting and maintaining the infrastructure. We help and handle the nitty gritty so you don't have to.
GPT3, Stable Diffusion and other AI models are taking over the world. You'll learn how to leverage them for yourself.
We help you prepare, plan and execute your launch.
Applications will release to top 100 on the waitlist
Discuss ideas, get inspired, and make connections with other online makers
Join live sessions to learn: how to find a good problem to solve; how foundational AI models work and how to use them; and market your product
Your product will use AI to solve a problem. You'll finetune and prompt engineer your way to building a valuable product
Generate passive income or solve a work problem, and we'll maintain the nitty gritty of your product
We run on a 20% revenue share of your product. This helps us fund the program and cover costs associated with the product.
Applications will release to top 100 on the waitlist