Join the 7-Day Sugar FREE Challenge & Invite your Friends!

Want to Conquer your Cravings? Join the Challenge!

Join the 7-Day Sugar Free Challenge because it works!  Past participants reported experiencing ‘no more cravings’ and losing up to 5lbs in one week!

Sugar cravings are very common and they play a major role in derailing any healthy lifestyle program. More specifically, they contribute significantly to excess sugar intake and weight gain, thus increasing your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. Since too much sugar can wreak havoc on your health, it’s worth the effort to get rid of cravings and reduce your sugar intake. ​ Cravings are caused by physical and mental factors. Physical factors include your current eating habits (i.e., sugary foods increase cravings) and lack of sleep (less than 7 hours/night). The mental factors include stress and your emotional state. Therefore, overcoming your cravings encompasses, refraining from eating sugary foods, getting more sleep, and managing stress. ​ Participating in the 7-Day Sugar-Free Challenge will address both the physical and mental causes of cravings.

Challenge Dates: October 31-November 6, 2022 /Registration closes October 26, 2022

The Challenge includes: a 7-day Sugar-Free Meal Plan ($50 value), a Cravings Assessment ($20 value), a Step-by-Step Guide for Conquering Cravings ($40 value), a Stress Management Workbook ($50 value), Sleep Enhancement Planning ($40 value), and Online Coaching Support ($80 value). The Total Value of the Challenge is $280. If you were to obtain the components of the challenge separately, you would pay $280. The good news is you don't have to pay that much. You can participate in the challenge for only $55. We've bundled the challenge components because together they will help you get rid of cravings, boost weight loss, and feel better overall. ***The above rates are in Barbados dollars.***


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And GN Wellness has committed to raising awareness and sharing information about ways to lower cancer risk throughout the month. One of the ways to fulfil this promise is through the 7-Day Sugar FREE Challenge. Since the goal is to spread the cancer prevention message to as many people as possible, you can save $40 off the challenge fee by helping us fulfill this mission. Each time you share the challenge link (assigned when you sign up above) with a friend that joins the challenge, you will receive $10 off the challenge fee. Hence, four (4) shares will get you $40 off and you will only pay $15 for the challenge.

The rewards


(1) Sign up for the Challenge above. (2) You will receive a personal challenge share link. (3) Share the link with your people. (4) You will get an email confirmation alerting you each time your link is shared. Therefore, you will know when you've reached 4 shares and the $15 challenge fee. (5) The deadline for inviting your friends to join the challenge is October 26, 2022. On October 27, 2022, you will receive an email prompting you to remit your $15 payment for the challenge. Although the goal is to invite four (4) friends, please note each referral gets you $10 OFF the challenge fee.

Conquering your cravings encompasses refraining from eating sugary foods, getting more sleep, and managing stress. ​

The Challenge will provide the tools and resources needed for you to conquer your cravings for good!